July 17, 2015

5 for Friday

Another Friday... I only have 1 more week of summer until I have to switch on my school brain and actually think!  I wanted to link up with Doodlebugs to let you know what made this week extra special. :)  

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Last week I was still away at the conference, so I didn't have a chance to post this picture.  I LOVE my new shirt A+ images.  Thank you!  In case you didn't know, A+ images makes quite a few teacher shirts, including custom designs.  I have a few other teacher shirts that I love to wear during the school year (from their website TeacherShirts.com).  I also picked up some matching shirts "I Teach 4th - What's your superpower?" for my grade level team during the conference at their table in the Expo.  It just made it extra fun to have my blog logo on one, it was easy for people to see.  Thank you so much!

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I signed up for the Periscope app.  I haven't posted anything yet, but could see myself doing stuff during the school year.  It's been fun watching friends and people I admire post videos.  Just wish that it didn't drain my phone battery so much.  Are you on Periscope?  What kind of posts do you enjoy the most? 

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I decided to be brave and post a picture of myself around at the different social media places.  Since I like to be behind the camera it was a little unnerving, but not as scary as I had thought.  For future reference I do NOT live on a farm, though my picture makes me think of farm fresh...  :)

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This past week my little blog hit a milestone (at least a milestone for me).  1,000,000 page views! 1 MILLION stops over the past 3 years.  Thank you.  :)  

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I've also been trying to get things a little updated on the blog/FB/TPT lately.  Maybe you noticed the little bar at the top of the page?  I would love an email address so I can start to send freebies to my email followers.  I promise I won't do anything with it other than send you freebies and helpful info.   

Well, that's it for now.  I have been busy getting ready to head back to school - so please stop by next Monday to see all my projects.  :)  


  1. I have been addicted to Periscope! I've used up all of the internet on my phone, house and iPad watching Periscope videos. They are so much fun.

  2. Congratulations on your blog milestone of 1,000,000 views! That is amazing! Can't wait to see your projects on Monday!


  3. I'm also addicted to periscope! It takes all of my willpower to ignore that little whistle when I'm trying to get work done, (sometimes the whistle wins)! There are so many great teachers out there and I'm in awe of all the newbie teachers that are so confident and full of knowledge!

    Teaching Special Kids

  4. I'm loving periscope too! So fun to see people behind the blogs! And congrats on your milestone! Very exciting!!!

    Mrs. Reed's Resource Room

  5. You have accomplished a TON this week! I'm so jealous--- I need to get it in gear!
    Enjoy your weekend,
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!