July 31, 2015

Five for Friday

Five for Friday!  This week the blog has been really quiet and for good reasons.  I've barely been home!  So today before I head out the door again, I wanted to jump in and share a little about what I've been up to this past week.


The teachers at school decided to have a paint night.  I've never done anything like that before, but I'm so happy that I went out of my comfort zone and attended.  One of the parents from school is an artist, she kicked off our Art Docent program at school for the kids, and she graciously donated her time to teach 6 teachers how to paint.


This week I've been at the CA NGSS Early Implementers conference.  It's been eye opening to say the least.  Not exactly what I expected, but in a good way.  I've been learning about the new standards, etc.  Every day they give us a functional gift... a seat cushion, a water bottle, a tshirt, a magnifying glass, a prism... I have loved my science swag!  I better make mention (since I know they read the blog), that my Mom, Dad, Sister, and Husband have been wonderful taking care of the boys as I've been gone for 10 hours a day.  Best present knowing that family comes through when the going gets tough!    


One night this week my oldest decided he wanted to try creating his own teacher resources in order to  (get this), "Help other kids learn how to understand what they read."  Yep, my kid.  He did it all himself.  Borders, cover image, text boxes, tables, clip art, planning it out beforehand on paper, etc.  So proud!  He wants to add more pages before I show you the end product.


Like I mentioned - this week has been filled with science - experiments and what not.  

...and yesterday I spent the entire day in a Sacramento church first listening to a pipe organ, and then learning about sound and light waves in a community room.  It was interesting!  


I also wanted to share that my 2 Donors Choose projects were funded this summer.  I'm so happy!  Thank you so much to the donors that helped my class.  I really appreciate you!  

Have a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy week! I love that your son wanted to create his own resources! How cute...and shows what a good example you are! Enjoy your weekend!


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