August 2, 2015

Back to School in a Flash: Curriculum Must Haves

Sunday yet again?  Time is flying... and now it's the week I HAVE to go back.  Setting up the classroom tomorrow, last minute boys' dentist appointments on Tuesday, and then district meetings the rest of the week.  Already thinking about curriculum?  Me too!

Today's assignment: Talk about what I absolutely LOVE using in my classroom...

One product that I use on a daily basis are my Whole Class Writing Journals.   I know I've shared about it so many other times, but it bears repeating.  I absolutely love using these journals!  These journals are stored in a basket at the back of my room.  Students choose a topic and write in them during Work on Writing, or when they finish their work early.  During silent reading they have the option of reading them and learning more about their classmates.  

I Love My Classroom: Whole Class Writing Journal Bundle

One product I LOVE is this... 

Complete NO PREP Reading & Writing Units for 40 Mentor Tex

I started using Mentor Sentences in my classroom years ago after Jivey shared about them.  This Better Than Basal pack has helped with ideas for each of the Mentor Texts that I use.  Full of activities, writing prompts, etc. I love all the ideas that she has given! 

One product on my Wish List is...

This resource from Joanne Miller looks AWESOME!  I'm so excited to use it with my kids as extra activities to make learning come alive. :)  Tons of activities to use with every single book we read!  

What are your curriculum must haves?  Share!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up! My class uses whole class journals too and they love them. I LOVE Jivey, I shared about her mentor sentences, I don't have the Basal set though... I should check those out before the big sale!
    Thanks for linking up!
    Fancy Free in Fourth


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