April 23, 2016

Book Bite Book Report Pictures

I wanted to share some of the most aww-inspiring Book Bites Book Report Projects from this year's batch.  So creative!  Once again, my class used the Book Report pack from The Peanut Gallery.  The premise is that the kids have to come up with a type of meal that has "bites" to it.  Each bite has to have specific information - like setting, characters, plots, etc... and all writing is to be hidden underneath the bite.  Everything is explained in the project directions and it really is an easy print and go project.  Highly recommend it if you are looking for a creative book report.  

When I first discuss the project with my students I always use her student sample pictures (they are included in the packet)... but then I also pull out the 3D hamburger and taco that past students have given me to show off.  I also pulled up last year's images to show my kids (Yes, I show them my blog).  That's what really sparks the interest... "You mean so & so made that?"  I give the students 6 weeks to complete this project.  1 week to get their parent to sign off that they read the directions, 1 week to choose a book, 4 weeks to read the book, and 2 to work on the project.... That's just me though.  

Okay - pictures of this year's Book Buffet. 


This child used construction paper, but they used a donut box to showcase it.

This child used styrofoam with felt for their hamburger.

This breakfast was made out of foam.  I thought it clever to use a zip tie to keep all the pieces attached to the paper plate.  

Pizza is always a winner.  This was served in a pizza box and the clay was glazed to make it rock hard.  

This child used model magic to form pancakes and served it on a tray.  

An In and Out burger, drink, and fries is always a winner.  There was felt pieces to form the different layers.  

A birthday cake, complete with a candle and sprinkles.  :)  This child was creative and used velcro to attach the pieces together.  

This styrofoam cake's layers and filling were split to hide the writing.  Cakes are almost always served in a cake box.  

Super cute, right?!  Of course I had 24 more projects that also came in that also showed off my students' hard work.  Some used just construction paper, and that was just fine.  Very proud of them.  Hope this helps someone.  

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