April 2, 2016

Remembering our Easter Party

Well Spring Break is almost over... so I've been remember what we 
did that Thursday before Easter. 

It was a magical day in the classroom.  

It was also exhausting, but oh so fun!  

My shopping list for the day included:
*40 Easter Eggs
*3 bags of Jelly Beans
*Toothpicks and Paper Plates
*Paper Bags (Lunch size)

 One of our first activities was making our Easter baskets.  Yes, they are 4th graders but they still love art projects.  It's a matter of taking a bag, cutting 2 slits for the handles, and stuffing the rest of the bag inside.  I filled them with little treats later on in the day... 

 Let me show you a picture from years ago:

We also had an Easter Egg Hunt outside.  

To make it educational, I tucked ten Reading Strategies inside the eggs using my Reading Exit Slips.  I shrunk them down to 4 sheets per page (16 little task cards), and then we folded them to easily fit inside the eggs.  

Reading Strategy Exit Slips

The kids had a scavenger hunt outside and had to find the 10 different strategies and then relate them to our classroom read aloud.  :)  I'm so sneaky...  

Candy, candy, candy... So much candy!  

Skittles Math Printables for the Upper Grades

In Math, we used Skittles to review operations and fractions using Teaching with a Mountain View's Skittle Math.

We met with our 1st grade Reading Buddies and made Stem Towers using Jelly Beans and toothpicks.  Their creations were pretty impressive.   

Then we used Peeps to go through a little science experiment observing what happens in 4 types of liquids.  Here's the PDF with what my students filled out for both of these activities:  

All in all it was a fun day!  

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