August 27, 2016

Quick Little Tour

Three weeks are complete and I'm sure you can relate when I say that I'm tired...  so very tired... I took these pictures weeks ago and then promptly forgot about sharing.  So here's a walk through of some of my favorite classroom areas.  

 The metal can is holding all the glow stick lanyards for this year's group of kids.  

For team points, I'm using glass mason jars.  They still make the loud sound when marbles are dropped inside.   

Here is my back wall - it houses our SS board, Grammar, Writing, and Student Work.  I changed up three boards this year to add in a lot more dark gray.  I absolutely love it.  

This is our information wall.  I took down the paper job list, and instead all the jobs are on the white/green apples on the wreath.  

This is our mini reading wall.  Over here I keep a lot of the different tools I use for our reading instruction.  

Here's an up close took at our SS wall.  Pocket chart will hold vocabulary and biography cards.

 Our superheroes still had to stay for our grammar wall.  

 The Writing wall is one of my favorites.  The chart paper now has our rainbow edit reminders.

I took down the bright colored background and went with black.

 Our lightbox is a favorite.  Once again the cord stopped working, but the battery option is working great.  We turn it on every afternoon during silent reading.  

Can't forget about my Whole Class Writing Journals.  This year I printed off the colors on bright card stock (4 per page) since my colored ink printer was being wacky.  I then stapled them onto regular folders.  Instead of spiral notebooks this year the kids are adding a piece of binder paper inside the folder when they write in it.

I added burlap to a lot of my classroom.  I feel like an adult with that addition.  :)  

Hope this helps!  Have a great day!  

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