March 20, 2021

Final Push to Hybrid

I think I’m ready for Monday morning.  When I get nervous, or stressed, I tend to overthink things. I've been creating checklists and powerpoint to help me process, and things that I can slide into their group channel with reminders, etc. that I have been able to send home to parents.  

Pack Your Backpack - the items with the ? are optional, but recommended.  I will post this in my Group A and B channels the afternoon before they are to come to school - at least for the first week so they will remember what to bring.  If something different is needed - like the other textbooks, well then I'll add a note about that as well. I printed a copy and it's laminated and posted on our classroom door.  Hopefully they will memorize the list and eventually by just seeing the visual that they will remember things that they forgot for next time.

The Classroom Checklist - I now have this laminated and near my computer at school.  Here's hoping that when I feel scattered that a list will remind me of what to do next.  

I also made a 10 slide packet that went over what to expect with my students this last week, and then sent them home to parents as well.  Our office had sent their information the week before, so last week was more about our own classroom.  

For the kids at home, my big things were wanting them to know that it's going to take some time.  They can't expect me to be able to answer their private channel question right away.  I also want them to know they are important, and that they still have the expectation of paying attention... 

For kids coming on campus - even though it's 2 days a week, that the rules really have changed.  Safety has to be top priority.  

Just our new schedule, in case it's not already drilled in their heads...

I explained the Group Channels once again.  We practiced with them this last week.  I started putting daily reminders and questions in there that the kids had to respond to.  It gave me a chance to see who I needed to remind to check, and who was actually paying attention.  It was also a place where I started group meetings so the kids could chat about things there were adding to recess bags, what their team nickname should be, and any questions they have...

The Daily Schedule started out with me having to visualize what our day would look like.  How I would move from one thing to the next.  That overthinking then seemed to help when kids were asking me what it would be like. This is the plan.  This is a sketch of our day down to the little details.  It's new for all of us, yet it's the same lesson routine we've done for the last 29 weeks of school.  

I also had the list of school supplies in the packet... before I made up the Pack your Backpack.  

The Recess Bag was a last minute addition.  When we are in our specific area outside, the kids are only allowed to remove their masks when they are actively eating or drinking. They have to still give personal space to others, and the recess bag can help to give them a mental break.  The office recommended legos or play dough, and my teammate also had the idea of a yo-yo.  It'll be interesting to see what kids bring.  Whatever they bring to school they will bring home the same day.  

There were a few other slides with maps on where to line up on our "first day", the pathways where to walk on campus, and where our recess spot is located.

Little things that I hope will help us keep organized.  I hope you have a great weekend!

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