March 5, 2021

Weekly Breakdowns & I Know I Can Because...

Sometimes I feel like I created a monster with all the paperwork that I can generate in a week.  It's kind of funny that I'm adding more stuff by starting to blog again... Just kidding, I'm using this as my online journal to remember this crazy year.  

I started doing something like this checklist last spring when the world shut down and distance learning started.  A simple breakdown, broken down by day, so that students knew exactly what to do.  Back then we weren't meeting every day - weekly yes, but not daily. The kids were used to writing down their daily homework, but without planners this worked. Since it worked, and helped me as well to know what reminders to give the kids, I kept it going this year.  Every week I duplicate the slide in ppt and just switch out the information - then I email it home, stick it on Class Dojo, and add it to our TEAM for easy access.

I also turned our Weekly Essential Questions, I Can statements, and our I KNOW I Can Because into a digital document for this year.  In the classroom this would normally be on the whiteboard in a grid with washi tape, and kids write their responses on post it notes and stick it up there.

This year I update the word document every week, send it home to families so they know what we're working on, and go over it with my class as well. We talk about it all week long, and then on Fridays I throw a screenshot of it into the color team channels so the kids can respond and "teach" each other their strategies and how they know they know.  It only takes 5 minutes but has made a big impact.  

As they are responding, I'm looking into the color teams and thanking the kids aloud to acknowledge that I see their responses.  There are always so many more kids that start responding just to get their name recognized aloud. My big kids are still kids... 
Am I the only one that does something like this?

Hope you are having a great day!

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