June 28, 2021

My Student Conference Binder - Easy Summer Project

I'm a binder girl. Tons of binders for different purposes, this one holds the info. for my student conferences.  I know I could do this on the computer, but once again- I’m old school and like paper/pencil. I think it helps me to remember things more if I just write them down. My binder has seen better days, and maybe I should get a new one, but I really love it. 

In my binder I have dividers for each kid in class. Each divider is labeled 1-32. Yep, 32 is our max. The class numbers let me reuse them from year to year. During the school year, I keep a class sheet in the front with the numbers and names to help me remember until I get that info. memorized. This is a July project for me to tackle since I was not in any mind space to tackle it in May.  I need to update each tab of the binder with the new sheets for next year, ripping out the old pages. Then I'll be ready to go. 

I use this binder for a few different things as I conference with the kids. I just flip to their section when it’s time to meet. Years ago I used a spiral notebook, one page for each kid - I just flipped to the correct page.  It doesn't have to be fancy. :)  

I call them over for our Book Talks and I keep track of their genres under their specific tab. They have a list going in their ELA composition book too. Book Talks usually happen during silent reading or independent work time. Kids sign up on a list on the board that they are ready to share with me. After they share their completed book, I give them the appropriate book bead, and they go update their pipe cleaner. I didn’t get to do book beads this last year, and I missed it!

In my binder I have the Reading Conference sheet that we are currently using from Joanne Miller - it has made it easy for me to remember the specific things I want to go through with the kids. Different focuses for different parts of the year. I try to meet with everyone during the week. If they don’t sign up for a time by Wednesday, then I start calling them to check in, even if they aren’t done with the book. I just jot their answers on a piece of binder paper that is tucked inside their section.

Another thing in the binder are the rubric sheets. I call them over when it’s time to update with new scores- usually after tests and before retests. They do the shading in my binder when we go over scores together. I have rubric grids for Reading, Writing, Math, and Science.  The little grids are printed 4 per page (little), but it’s big enough to do a quick highlight. I write the test/formative title on the side with the date, then they highlight their score. It's an easy way to show growth. It is so awesome to come back to the visuals after retests and update with the higher scores. They feel so good! 

I also put their goals in the binder so we can reference when it’s time. They make goals at the beginning of the year and then we review at progress report time, update again at the beginning of each new trimester. They have their copy in a sheet protector in their folder, and I jot them down in my binder as well. It keeps us on the same page.

During our conferences I love to go over compliments that I’ve noticed for them. Things I’m proud of them for, and things that I think they can work on. How can they improve if they don’t get feedback?  It helps me remember to spot the good. It also makes it easy for me to send a quick Class Dojo message to parents. As a parent, I love those messages. 

Hope this helps. Do you use a binder to keep organized? 


  1. So your binder has the Independent Reading Conferences templates from Joanne Miller's TpT store?

    1. Yes, they are WONDERFUL! I just pull the sheet that I will use that week and stick it in my binder so it's ready to go, I use the same one for the week with all the kids, and I write the information on binder paper into the kid's section. Just a few notes, mainly verbal discussion with the kids.


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!