August 5, 2012

Signs - Mystery Hero, Happy Birthday, STAR of the Week, and Month Labels

I've been busy making up little signs that I need to finish off my information bulletin board.  As you can see I've been enjoying Powerpoint, my new fonts, and COLOR!  Just click the images to download from Google Docs.    
I redid my Mystery Hero sign from last year - this year it will be colorful!  You can read more about how Mystery Hero works in my classroom from a past post.
On my information wall, I'm going to use a pocket chart this year to hold my birthday dicuts in a bar graph type of format.  In the past, I've always bought a birthday chart with my Scholastic bonus points, but this year I want to use what I already have.  I also made up 2 sets of month labels that I am using on the pocket chart and on our Class Timeline.  The birthday set is the entire year and the other one is just the months that we are in school (August until May).  
I do STAR of the Week in my classroom.  I know, maybe my 4th graders are too big to do it, but I enjoy learning about them - and they enjoy telling about themselves.  The STAR of the Week has responsibilities and perks during their week.  They fill out an All About Me poster and are responsible for certain "fun" jobs.  Then they have the perks of using the special chair during silent reading time, etc. It's a hard job, but someone has to do it!

Hope this helps someone!



  1. Thanks so much! I am going to give the "mystery hero" a shot this year! I'll use your new colorful sign too!

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