September 16, 2012

Celebration Sunday! Giveaway Winner and Feature Teacher!

Giveaway Winner Time!  

Thank you all for entering my latest little giveaway.  Thank you to my new and slightly "older" followers for pushing the follower button on here.  It makes a girl feel good!  Well, we didn't make it all the way to 250, but we are SO CLOSE!  It is still something to celebrate!  Congrats Charell!
a Rafflecopter giveaway 

Shannon from Teacher's Lounge Radio contacted me last weekend to ask if I would want to be a Feature Teacher on her weekly podcast.  It's my first guest appearance :)  I think I should have to go and buy a new outfit to celebrate!  Seriously though, head on over and check her (and me) out - it will be posted sometime today.

I have so much I want to share with you all this week, but today is Sunday and I'm ready for some family time (and today - sometime when I feel motivated - I have to grade a bunch of tests).  Later on this week remind me to tell you how my Thesaurus lesson(s) went since I went to 2 different dollar stores to buy 1/2 a class worth of books.  I also want to tell you about Math in my classroom since we are learning the Properties of Addition (CIA style), and we will be creating our Ecosystem Dioramas for Science.  I also started Class Dojo with my class last Friday, and I'm sure there will be more to share after I use it for a full week.  

Stay tuned and have a great day!  

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