September 11, 2012

Christmas in Sept, 9/11, and Character Venn Diagram

What a day!

It was just like Christmas this morning as we opened up the Scholastic boxes. The kids were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. These 3 huge boxes totaled over $450 for our order, as well as 2 extra class sets of books that I purchased with bonus points and that free money they gave us. Since we raised over $350, they told me to split the order into 2 separate ones to get more bonus points ($350 and $100).
How do I pass them out? I line everything up on the floor and then go shopping to gather each child's books. I usually can get it all done during recess time, but this order needed recess and my prep to get done. I am thankful though. So many opportunities to get more books in their hands!

So, yes it was just like Christmas for my students this morning. After this joyful moment we discussed the importance of September 11th by showing a Brainpop video and my students brainstormed adjectives to describe heroes. It was difficult this year to know how much to discuss with them. They weren't alive at that moment in time. It was a good discussion though and the students who knew about it were able to share their prior knowledge with the group.

Later on this afternoon we began our new read aloud. We finished up Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing last week and began Beezus and Ramona. I started making up an anchor chart to compare and contrast the 2 sets of characters. It's my first year leaving a venn diagram up on the board for a read aloud, but between that and a list of interesting words we come across I think it will help their understanding.

The giveaway is still going on if you haven't entered yet!  :)

Hope you had a good day!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I came over to check yours out. I am now your newest follower.

    I love when my Scholastic box arrives. I should be receiving my first one next week.

    1. Scholastic is great! I think I'm addicted to buying class sets of books.


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