September 22, 2012

My 100th Post!

I know I should be writing something to celebrate my 100th post.

It should be like the 100th day of school in a primary classroom - 100 being the star and a party going on... I can't believe that it's already number 100.

Maybe I shouldn't be writing at this moment in time 
but I really want someone to talk to...

My husband took my older boys to their first ever Cub Scout family camp out.  We decided our 2 1/2 year old was just too young for this outing.  So I'm home with my toddler and my puppy, missing my big boys so much.  They left yesterday afternoon as soon as I walked in from school, and they won't be back until tomorrow after lunch.  This is basically the first time (not counting when I was stuck in the hospital having my youngest son) that I've been away from them for 2 nights in a row.  

My toddler doesn't speak much... it's really quiet around here.

Yesterday afternoon, after saying goodbye to my big boys, we drove out to see my parents and sister.  Us girls went shopping (Dad watched my "only" child), and I didn't have to cook.  I love shopping, and I love hanging out with my mom and sister.  Of course I tend to gravitate to the kid toys and clothing... bought a couple of Christmas presents that are now tucked away in the garage - hoping that I will remember them when it's time.  

Then I drove my sleepy boy home, turned on a chick flick, stayed up way too late finishing a book, and started another one.  

I'm now on my 3rd Kindle book and avoiding my school bag.  It's hard to do since my "baby" keeps dragging the bag to me wherever I am.  I think he maybe just relates me being home to doing school work?  We've played play dough, did puzzles, read books, watched Little Bear/Max and Ruby/Blue's Clues (told you I wanted to read my book), and now he is playing with his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.    

My big accomplishments for today?    

I changed from one pair of comfy pants to another pair of comfy pants, and I went grocery shopping because somehow all the fruit and veggies disappeared out of the refrigerator.  Maybe I should think about doing something productive around here... or not...  

I think I really miss my babies.  

This is by far my most favorite book at the moment.  If I Could Keep You Little by Marianne Richmond  I have read it a bunch in the last 24 hours to my toddler, even when he was sleeping last night I was still rereading it to him...  Of course I get all teary-eyed because I still am wanting to be at the matching clothes, nap in a fort, fly you with my feet stage... Anyhow, if you've read it you know what I'm talking about... even if you haven't read it you probably know what I mean.  Why do they have to grow up so fast?

I'm sure over the years, that I will get used to being away from them - them having their own experiences that I know nothing about... maybe even someday I will be glad to have a couple of quiet moments to myself... Not trying to be a downer to your day, just missing my loud, silly, crazy boys and my supportive, wonderful, good-looking husband.  

Hope you are having a good day! 


1 comment:

  1. Not a downer at all....I totally understand! As a mother to two of my own....23 (in 6 days) and a 17 year old, I can tell you they do grow up before you know it! Enjoy them while they are little...:) I miss those precious times so much....but of course, growing up bring many more special moments too!

    Keep Calm & Imagine


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