December 10, 2012

Parent Helper Gifts

I decided to make up my parent gifts today.  Well, I guess I really didn't have a choice since for the rest of the week I will be seeing my helpers one more time before vacation.  What I'm giving them this year is an oven mitt with homemade cookies (Ricotta), and a note that says "Thank you for lending a helping hand..."  Get it?  Yeah, I'm bad with puns.

Here is the link to download through Google Docs. 

Hope it helps!  
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. I think that is a sweet and thoughtful gift! Very cute...:)

    Keep Calm & Imagine

  2. What a cute idea! I wish I would've seen this before I did mine! Maybe next year! Thanks for sharing!

    Beach Lovin' Teach


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