January 28, 2013

100 Days in 4th Grade!

I think it's the primary teacher in me trying to get out, 
but I absolutely love the 100th day of school.

  So, here's what my big kids did today to celebrate:

We used the idea from Collaboration Cuties (Cutesy Clickables) to create a 
100 Language Arts booklet.  Their real one is so cute - I just didn't have the option of printing in color for their cover page.  

I don't have the copy budget though to run off the 4 sheets per student, so I had them make their own booklet with 3 pieces of binder paper attached to this one sheet that I found free on TPT from Hannah Martin.  

I helped them fold the binder paper after they stapled it, and then we grouped the different lists on the front and back of the pages.  Some of the language arts areas they did a great job brainstorming by themselves, and some of them (mainly the figurative language) we had to do together.  They loved it though!  

Math and Reading were the regular lessons, but the end of the day had a little treat they worked hard for all day long.  It might not look like much, but the kids were tickled to have a pretzel rod and 2 oreos to make the number 100.  

They are having special 100 homework tonight, another find from TPT.  It's a little bit of everything to review that Jivey created.  Awesome stuff!  I'm just sorry that I didn't take a picture of it up close in the classroom.  It asks questions involving a sentence with 100 letters, acrostic poem, number sentences that total 100, etc... The kids were so excited to work on it tonight.   
100th Day 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Activity Page

I'm updating this post to include this awesome button to a 100th day linky party going on!  
Hope you had a great day!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature! :)
    Jessica (jivey) :)
    ideas by jivey

    1. I didn't know about your blog - will edit and add that as well! :) Thanks for creating their homework for tonight.

  2. Thanks for the shout out!! You are too sweet!! :O)

    Collaboration Cuties

  3. These are awesome - thanks for sharing! It's hard sometimes to find fun activities for older students.

    Joy in the Journey

    1. So true! I'm so glad to have found so many awesome intermediate teachers that are willing to share ideas. :)

  4. I LOVE these pictures! Thank you so much for linking up! I'm all set to pin these great pics!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  5. I love your 100 snack!! Thanks for linking up! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

    1. It was so simple, so I'm glad the kids enjoyed it.


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