January 25, 2013

Blah, My Week, and ELA Review Penguins

After days of not missing a day to post, I am just feeling rather blah.

I'm worn out after this week.  

I was only at school for 4 days.

Out of those 4 days I was only in my classroom for 3 days 
due to meetings and a sick son.  

Charity (The Organized Classroom Blog) had a fun 9 syllable game over on Facebook tonight - describe your week.  My response was "4 referrals, 3 meetings, puked on."

I also forgot to take pictures of all the stuff that we did accomplish (Positive/Negative Number Football Fields, Plotting Points on Graphs, Mission Projects, etc).

I promise this weekend and next week I will get my act together again - so many linky parties that I want to join and share.  

I quickly wanted to share that I changed up my Mid Year ELA Review to be with the cute penguin clip art that I LOVE.  I seriously don't know what I'm going to do when penguin season/Valentines/February is over - I will miss it so much!

Click above to go to TPT to check it out.

Yeah, this one also has definition cards and an answer key.  
:)  Hope you had a wonderful day!


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