January 22, 2013

Thank You

This is just going to be a short, sweet, to the point type of post.  

I'm thankful for you.

Thank you for letting me blah it all out... I think it helps to lower my blood pressure every afternoon.  I really need to lower my blood pressure.

What did I do today? 

*We wrote to our pen pals this morning. 

*We created football fields and identified positive and negative numbers.  I'll take a picture of mine tomorrow.  The kids are SO EXCITED our team is heading to the Superbowl.      

*I had to teach the vocabulary words - amputation and gored.  I even used pictures and I did not puke.

*We played Scoot with my Mid Year ELA Review Task Cards and afterwards the kids used our Beyond Question clickers to show their answers.  They have remembered more than I give them credit for.

*I attended a SST meeting and am so happy that the child will get the help he/she needs. 

Then I went home and... 

*Set up a meeting tomorrow to sign an addendum to my 
son's IEP to include bussing.

*Called bussing and they answered my confusing questions like, "How do you make a 3 year old actually sit on the bus?"  They have car seat straps just like his own car seat...

*Went and met his brand new daycare lady and picked up 
the paperwork to fill out.

*Set up a time with his brand new preschool teacher to have a 
meet and greet early next week before he begins services.   

*Found out that my middle son does not have ADHD after all.

*Had to run to the grocery store for much needed supplies in which 
I got a emergency phone call from hubby telling me that 
his work was calling him in to save the world.

*Now I'm sitting down to just blah it out there and I really am thankful for you.

On a happier note we have picked up the final presents for our almost 3 year old.  He has awesome grandparents that have chosen these items for his special gifts next Tuesday.  

Product Image  Product Image

I'm so excited for him!!!  I can't believe my baby is almost 3...  
Where did the time go?

Hope you had a wonderful day that hopefully wasn't as overwhelming as mine.  

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