February 16, 2013

Five for Friday

I'm linking up a day late with Doodle Bugs Teaching.  What a week it has been!

Here are 5 random things about this week:

1.  Valentine's Day School Love
My students completely caught me off guard this week with all their goodies and treats and love.  I have had to be Ms. Drill Sergeant so much this year, that it felt nice to be loved.

2.  Scholastic Bonus Point Order Arrived
I had bought this Mini Time Tracker through Scholastic's bonus points and it arrived on Thursday afternoon.  It has already been the perfect size to keep on my front cart and the kids are enthralled with the different countdown lights.

3.  Froggie Fractions
We've been learning about fractions and I made up these cards to review equivalent, simplifying, and changing up mixed to improper, and back again.  The kids enjoyed them yesterday and it was nice using it as an assessment this time around.  I wrote a blog post about it yesterday - just click the image to read it.      

4.  Cleaning Up the Classroom
I'm so thankful for a couple of minutes this week to just really clean the classroom.  Ever have that random time to spruce up the room?  I've had weeks of meetings lately taking up every minute of my day that somehow I haven't had time to clean up random little piles of clutter and paperwork.  It was nice having report cards done and no meetings to be able to just go through piles of paperwork and figure out what to place in the circular file vs. the file cabinet.  My desk is back to being a happy place.  

5.  Here is something that made me smile this week...
...So true
Maybe it wasn't exactly a true smile, but this week all 3 of my boys were coughing up gunk.  I am thankful for investing in multiple humidifiers a couple of years ago, since kids tend to share germs...  We are all on the mend at the moment, looking forward to a relaxing weekend and a fun filled week!

Take care!  


  1. I love the last picture! My oldest is running a fever and snoring away next to me now.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  2. Love that ecard! Sooo true! My youngest has been climbing in our bed lately. I hope she's not coming down with something.
    It's nice to tidy up the room! It's a great feeling that lasts...what? a couple of days tops?!
    Have a great day off!

  3. Hope everyone is feeling better at your place soon.

    That timer looks great! :)

    Lattes and Laughter


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