February 26, 2013

Shopping Time!

The other day this coupon button popped up on 
Facebook and I eagerly clicked the button.  

I didn't know TBA had clothes!!  I'm all for dressing up at work... or is it dressing down?  

Here's what's in my cart.  There are different colors
 and options to choose from as well.  
Women's T-Shirts ~ Women's Standard Weight T-Shirt ~ beat the testWomen's T-Shirts ~ Women's Standard Weight T-Shirt ~ happy 100th day
Women's T-Shirts ~ Women's Standard Weight T-Shirt ~  my 4th gradersWomen's T-Shirts ~ Women's Standard Weight T-Shirt ~ lucky me

I figure since some of these shirts are a one day a year type of thing, I can plan on wearing them for the next 10 years of teaching.  :)  
Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog through Tonya's Treats GIveaway! I'm your newest follower :)


  2. Thanks for sharing about TBA's T-shirts ;) You're right - they can totally last a long time!


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