February 25, 2013

Spring Task Card Templates - Time to Review!

As we are preparing for the BIG TEST, I have my students review the different material by creating their own games. It helps them to internalize the concepts and keeps them having fun during a stressful time. Included in this product are 7 different task card templates with spring clip art, 1 blank task card template, and 1 answer sheet grid. 

Spring clip art includes the clip art on the picture/cover of this product.
How I use task cards in my classroom:
*We play Scoot - each desk has one card, each child has their own answer document, and they rotate around the room. After we are all done scooting, we go over the answers full class.
*We play with the cards during centers/stations.
*I use them with students during small group intervention.
*My parent helpers use task cards to work one on one with students.
Happy Reviewing!

If needed, I have free student task card answer sheets available in my store.

As you can see, the task cards are ready to print off, give to a student, and the students do the rest - they take ownership of their problem to add to the class game.  Teams can work together to create an entire game that the others in the class can then play.  Having the different clip art on the pages keeps each game separate from each other.    

I'm so excited to start using this!  7 weeks and counting until test time.     



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting :) I like your idea of playing Scoot for test review. I'm thinking I could do that for a mixed Math review. Thanks for sharing!

    Ladybugs Lounge

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting :) I like your idea of playing Scoot for test review. I'm thinking I could do that for a mixed Math review. Thanks for sharing!

    Ladybugs Lounge


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