March 1, 2013

Five on Friday!

Five for Friday! Today I'm linking up again with Doodlebugs Teaching to share my 5 random things from this week.
1. Birthday Party for Dr. Seuss

We celebrated today after we did our regular assessments. The kids wore their PJs, brought in their blankets, books, and pillows. They then set up shop and read. Sometimes by themselves, sometimes with a partner, sometimes full class. That was the morning, and this afternoon we watched a little movie complete with red fish and gummy eggs as a treat. This Readathon was also a technology fundraiser for my class. Here is the letter I sent home in case you are looking for ideas.

2. Figurative Language Rainbows

This week we continued on with figurative language, this time adding examples and color to a Figurative Language Rainbow. I am so proud of myself for figuring how to make a rainbow on PowerPoint.

3. Writing Writing Writing

The state writing assessment is next week and my students have been working hard on their paragraphs. I am so thankful that the Rainbow Edit is working for this group.  I think that alone has helped make them into better writers.  Now I don't have to remind them to include indents, capitals, punctuation, details, topic sentence, and spelling.  

4. Girl Scout Cookies
I want to personally thank the Girl Scouts at my school for providing ample opportunities to purchase boxes of cookies. I want to thank my husband for preferring a certain kind that I can't stand, and for being supportive in purchasing boxes for the cupboard and for the freezer.

5. Last but not least, I want to thank you for your support when I posted this picture on Facebook.

It was nice knowing it wasn't just my class that the moon affected this past week.

Hope you had a great week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh yes, I am a full believer in the full moon affecting kids' behavior!!
    ideas by jivey

    1. I never really believed in it until this year.

  3. Yes, the moon was affecting us too! I had to laugh about the girl scout cookies. I ate a whole sleeve of Thin Mints in one sitting! Good luck with your fundraising and writing assessment!

    P.S. I deleted my first comment becuase I typed effect, not affect, and it bugged me : )

    HokIe Teach

  4. I love the rainbow! Such a great idea!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  5. I've never seen gummy eggs before! SO TRUE about girl scout cookies--they're everywhere! LOL!!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten


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