April 19, 2013

Five for Friday


Hi all.  Hope you had a great day today!  I did - because it was the last day of testing!!!!

All those months of stress just washed away.  Now it's time for fun and projects and centers (and cleaning all my cabinets, and reorganizing, etc...)

Today I'm linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching to share my 5 random moments from the week.  Please forgive that I don't have many pictures - I couldn't with the test in class.    

1.  I had to wake a kid up during state testing.  This has never happened to me before, but the child fell asleep around #23 and needed to be woken up to finish.  I then watched the child randomly fill in bubbles for the rest of the days answers without turning a single page in the book.   

2.  A student filled in a sample question with blue ink.  The rest of everything was already in pencil, so because of that one little bubble the child had to fill in all 124 answers again on another scantron.  It was a very odd moment... wondering, why????

3.  I loved my extra long recess that we gave the students to celebrate working hard.  Usually our recess is 15 minutes, but since they were all playing so nicely, and all of us teachers were enjoying adult conversation after having been cooped up in the classroom for hours upon hours... it turned into a 40 minute one.  

4.  I waited approx. 30 seconds after collecting the tests to have the students move their desks into groups.  Testing rows be gone for a year!

5.  My students shaped their clay poppies today.  On Monday we will be celebrating Earth Day and we will be painting them (in addition to planting, etc.)


  1. Congrats on completing testing! I'm your newest follower! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. Congrats on being done with testing. Makes me feel sad that we have to wait until the end of the year to teach the way we really want to! I can't believe you had one fall asleep.... I mean, I can, because testing is boring, but that stinks! Glad I found your blog through Five for Friday!

  3. I am the same way about testing-I HATE rows! I don't take down anything during testing-I just cover it up. A minute after testing desks are back in groups and wall are colorful again!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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