April 26, 2013

Five for Friday

This week we started to get ready for Open House.  Ours this year is on May 9th - so we still have some time to finish up projects, etc.  I'll show off how everything comes together next week.  I'm still in the process of grading everything before it gets stuck up on the bulletin boards.
Today I'm linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching to share 5 random projects my students created this week.

1.  We celebrated Earth Day on Monday.

Our Science bulletin board will include our group posters, our sea turtles,
and our "I am the Earth" poems.

2.  We created memory kites.

We brainstormed full class our most favorite moments so far in the year.  Then I had the kids take 9 of those memories and on a 3x3 table they drew pictures and wrote labels for them.  I had taken down the rectangle card stock that has been on our writing board and cut them into a 9 in. square (a great reuse purpose).  The kids chose one of the pieces of card stock for their background and glued the table on top.  Then I grabbed out some crepe paper streamers (from last year's paper mache project) and the students chose the color of their tails.

3.  Figurative Language Butterflies

One of my bulletin boards for Open House is going to be a park/garden theme, "We are blooming."  The butterflies will join other things on the bulletin board  The kids wrote examples on them in the different areas and then colored/cut them out.
This pattern is out of my Figurative Language Template Set.

4 & 5  I actually had time to create.  Yesterday I was home with my little boy, so I made up some Figurative Language Review Sheets and my Zoo Maps.

Figurative Language because I want my kids to have some more practice since according to them it was the hardest area on the test last week, and Zoo Maps because they need to review Perimeter and Area (and it makes a cute craft).  I'll show off the Zoo Maps next week after we complete them full class, I changed it up a bit from past years...

Now - If you would happen to like to get one of these new products for free, just leave a comment below letting me know which one you would like and your email.  I will email out to the first 4 followers to comment. :)

Hope you had a great day!


  1. Looks like you were busy this week! I'd love your Figurative Language Review Sheets! Happy Friday

    Lucky to Be in First

  2. I love the memory kites - I will be borrowing that idea in June! Can't wait to see your Zoo maps.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  3. I'm going to be using your memory kite idea as well! That is so neat! I also love the turtles your students created. I'd love to check out the Zoo Maps. Thanks!

    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  4. I love the Earth Day ideas!! Super cute!
    I'm going to do the memory kites with my kids next now:)
    Thanks for the idea.
    I'd like to look at your Figurative Language Review Sheets.

    The Busy Busy Hive


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