April 15, 2013

Skittles Linky

Hi Everyone!  

Today I'm linking up with Flying into First Grade for her Getting Acquainted Linky.  

This week was the Skittles Game :)  I love Skittles!

Red - Favorite Ice Cream
I LOVE my Black Cherry ice cream!!

Orange - Favorite Memory from College

I had so many wonderful memories from college... of course college seems so long ago...

Right now my favorite memory was the ability to sleep in as long as I wanted (on some days).  Other than classes and work, not having a set schedule... being relaxed, spending time with friends everyday. I know, I know... I'm totally reminiscing right now.  I remember going to Disneyland after classes midweek - the joy of a Season Pass.  Can I put all of this in one word though as a favorite memory?  

Yellow - Favorite Sports Team

That would be our 49ers :)

Green - Favorite Fast Food Place

Right now my most favorite fast food would be China Express.  I love Chinese food!!

Purple: Wild Card...

Random fact about me??? I'm so ticklish on my toes that it's pure torture to get a pedicure.


  1. Hahaha I like your purple fact- I ADORE having a massage but my husband is just like you- he's so ridiculously ticklish that he can't stand them, and he definitely couldn't handle anyone touching his feet!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  2. I might just have to do thins linky tomorrow. It looks like a lot of fun! I'm also hosting a linky--and I would love to have you come by. It is all about a dollar. Anything you love, buy, sell, or find that is just a dollar. So link up!


  3. oh you poor girl!!! Can you get the pedi w/o the massage?

  4. LOL, I have the same problem with a pedicure. It's actually torture! This was my first time linking up for this post and it's so funny to read what everyone is posting. And I love your blog and have just become your newest follower.
    First Grade Hugs and High Fives


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