April 16, 2013

Tried It Tuesday - Smile, It's Testing Time!

Hi Everyone!

Today I'm linking up with Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper to share something I've done recently.  

What did I do... other than test prep???

More test prep and then some fun stuff that went along with test prep.

Every year I sharpen the hundreds of  numerous amounts of pencils in preparation for the big test.  This year I got smart and yesterday gave each student their own special pencil.  I told them that they needed to sharpen it themselves, but that we were going to make it special by adding stickers to the tops of them.  I pulled out my basket of stickers and they acted like I was royalty or something.  It's all about the power of the sticker.

Then after more test prep... I turned on this video from School Tube... and then I sang along with it.  Once again they were in awe of my singing abilities as I belted out this version of the Dynamite song.  

Not my own picture - but you get the idea :)
At the end of the day, after lunch, in the last 15 minutes of the day... I gave each child a piece of sidewalk chalk and we headed outside.  They wrote encouragement notes all over the pathway in front of our 4th grade portables.  They said it was awesome and they were excited to "Rock the Test".  I'm excited that they are excited.  :)

I picked up the encouragement notes from Tara, they are sitting at school ready along with a big batch of Red Vines.  The red vines are for after the test.  :)

4 days of testing - here... we... go!   


  1. Mine will be next week- it's so soon! Ah! Good luck! :)
    ideas by jivey

  2. We are a pilot school for Smarter Balanced so we are taking that Thursday. I love this video and I bet my kiddos will too! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Good luck! Ours are next week! I like the sidewalk chalk encouragement.


  4. I have to show this video tomorrow morning. It will be Day 3 of the ELA test and the first two days have been tough. They are working so hard though! I also have three days of math tests next week and then two days of science is not until the end of May. Ugh!! Thanks for linking up:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper
    Your tried it can be anything you have tried...new or old:) Sometimes our oldest tricks that we take for granted could be helpful to so many teachers!

  5. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!


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