May 29, 2013

Countdown to the Last Day - Yearbooks, Clean Up, Awards, and Ice Cream in a Bag

Well well...

1 1/2 days left with this bunch and today was basically the last day with desks.

I don't like to wait until the last moment.

This morning we had the kids go outside for an hour to sign yearbooks within the grade level.  Not every kid bought a yearbook, but they did create their own autograph booklet for kids to sign.  It was just a little mini book - a folded piece of construction paper with some folded copy paper inside.  

We also wrote our parents thank you notes to thank them for helping us learn all the 4th grade material. 

We then finished up those end of the year Student Brochures that we sent down to 3rd grade.

We cleaned out our desks right before lunchtime.  They each got a grocery store bag for all their extra stuff.  Last week we took all their paperwork home, so today was mainly their workbooks, binder, and all the other supplies.  They don't even need a pencil for the rest of the week since tomorrow is Game Day and the next will be Movie Day.  

After lunch we had our awards assembly over in the cafeteria.  Each grade level goes and presents the Principal's Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance for the Year, Character Counts Awards, and Effort Awards.  Parents take pictures, student pose for pictures.  It's a hour of our day. 

Then we came back and created our Ice Cream in a Bag treat.

I know I mentioned it last year, it really is an easy project.  This year I decided to NOT tackle it with our reading buddies.  Trying to pour 2 classes worth of stuff was a little nuts last year.  

Anyhow, just a reminder how I make it in case you want to try it yourself.

*Pour 8 tsp. vanilla into a gallon of milk and shake really well.  
*Scoop 1 tbsp. sugar into the quart bags beforehand (so little fingers don't touch).

During the moment:
*I pour about 1/2 cup of milk/vanilla into a quart size bag for each kid and I make sure to seal.
*The kids scoop about 1/3 cup rock salt into their gallon size bags (partners share).
*Then they fill their gallon bag about 1/2 way with ice cubes.
*They put the little milk bags into their ice bags, seal it up, and shake hard (for about 5 minutes). 
*When the milk bags look like frozen yogurt it's time to eat - pass out spoons and enjoy.

Hope you had a great day!  


  1. Hi! I absolutely love the idea of the kids making their own ice cream the last week of school! I bet they all loved it. I'll have to remember this for next year! I am your newest follower and would love for you to stop over and follow me as well!

    Adventures in Room 204

  2. Fun! I bet the kids loved making their own ice cream. I've never heard of doing that in a bag. Cute idea! Happy Summer!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners


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