May 4, 2013

Sparking Student Motivation with Theme Moments!

I'm linking up today with Joanne to share something that I'm sure we all do...


Going to be honest and say that sometimes the basic curriculum is just so boring... maybe the writers of the textbooks could actually ask a teacher how to spice it up...  

Since I'm bored at times, I'm sure the kids are bored too - which leads to celebrating the different holidays and making everything as fun as much as possible.

You all know that if it's fun most kids will want to do their best (if for no other reason they will lose the opportunity if they misbehave).

Since it's that time of year to reflect what worked and what didn't - here are some of the things we've taken time out to celebrate this year (not including regular curriculum projects):

The Seasons - 

... and we won't be there in Summer but we are still celebrating...

Thanksgiving Multipurpose Graphic Organizer
Great idea for school Halloween party

Fun events:
Football Helmet Coloring Page
Dr. Seuss Figurative Language Foldable - NEW Foldable from the FlodiFun Factory!

It really has been a fun year - full of learning - full of patience growing - full of good memories.  :)

Now go link up!


  1. These are great and you are so right. Kids are so motivated when they are enjoying their work and they feel celebrated! Fun makes everything better for everyone. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. Absolutely- celebrating is the best!! :)
    These ideas are so pinworthy... Get ready to see yourself on my boards! :-P
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  3. I 100% agree with you - teaching with themes and holidays is a great motivator for the students and the teacher. I love when I can find a way to meet the curriculum expectations using a holiday activity. Thanks for sharing all these great ideas! Jivey is right - they will be pinned for next year!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  4. Love all your projects and celebrations! How fun!!! I appreciated your comment about asking teachers to spice up those textbooks! Your class will have so many memories! Pinning! Thanks for linking up and sharing!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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