May 14, 2013

Tried it Tuesday - Writing, Art, and Math - Oh My!

I think I went a little overboard on the TPT shopping lately - but I have used so much of it... so maybe that's okay :) 

Linking up with Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried it Tuesday!  

So - What have I done lately?  

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We have been working on this narrative this week from Forkin 4th.  The kids have thought it's adorable being able to attach a popsicle stick to their writing.  

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Last week we made these adorable awards by Mrs. Sykes for our moms as part of their Mother's Day gift.  

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Today for Math we did this activity by Miss Math Dork to review (and to have fun) using our names.  She has quite a few different keys for the kids to plug in their letters and figure out the amounts that their names are worth.  They had so much fun and then completed the rest of the activities on the page.  It was simple, but it stretched their minds.  

I hope you all had a great day.  12 days to go...


  1. Looks like you made lots of great purchases and your kiddos are benefiting because of it!

    Teaching in Room 6

  2. I love that idea of students attaching a popsicle stick to their writing! You made some great purchases. Thanks for sharing:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!