June 25, 2013

3 Linky Parties - Must Have, Ate It, Tried It, and BlogLovin' Blog Hop

Linking up with Sabra over at Teaching with a Touch of Twang to share something I must have.  Yes, a day late, but that's okay.  :)

Last year I made up a recipe binder.  It has come in so handy throughout this year.  I love that everything is nice and organized into a ton of categories.

The recipes that I use all the time (like my crockpot ones) I keep in sheet protectors in case spills happen.  

Of course talking about my recipes make sense to link up with Christy over at Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road to share my most favorite recipe at the moment.  It actually comes from The Six Sisters website.  I love everything they make over there - and since their pictures are so much better than mine, I figured I might as well share theirs.  

Yes, this stuff is addicting - like I could eat it all without help if I didn't want to try and fit into my school clothes ever again.  Here is their recipe.  Using Almond Bark works better, but I've also used White Chocolate chips when Almond Bark wasn't to be found.  Told you it was addicting.  

Linking up with Holly over at Tried it Tuesday since both the above are things I use/made and loved!

Tori over at Tori's Teacher Tips is having a Bloglovin' Blog Hop (Linky Party) to make it easy for readers to find new blogs.  Just click the image above to head to her blog to start the hop....

and since we're talking Bloglovin' (again) here is the link to make sure you will still be following along with me.

Follow on Bloglovin
Have a great day!   


  1. Love the idea Cake Batter Buddies idea so much that I may have to make them today!

    Sixth Grade Tales

  2. Haha! I love how you say... since we are talking about Bloglovin AGAIN... I know... we are going to be so sick of it by July 1!! :) Thanks so much for linking up!!
    Tori's Teacher Tips

  3. The "Six Sisters" are always cooking something good up! What a fun, and good looking treat. Thank you for linking up!

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  4. That funfetti cake batter buddies looks SO dangerous!! Oh my! Thanks for the tip on the blog link up too:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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