June 2, 2013

June Goals and Currently

It's June... IT'S JUNE!

Today is my middle son's birthday - he's 7.  I can't believe he's already 7.  This June is a very busy month for us in regards to his birthday, my husband's 40th birthday, and Father's Day.  Add in the end of school, a messy "end of school" house, my dad's birthday 2 days ago, and needing to pack for a 10 day Alaska cruise, and it's starting to feel a little overwhelming.  

Onto goals...

First linking up with I <3 Recess
to share my June Goals.

How am I supposed to pack 5 of us for a 10 day cruise to Alaska in enough bags that the 2 of us adults can manage it all?  I have no clue since little bits is just starting week 3 of potty training... how much of what to pack?  The weather is so different than around here...

But it's Alaska - and it's going to be beautiful... and even if my boys wear the same thing over and over again I'm sure it won't really matter... since other than the 15 of our family members who will really care?  It's mainly just the potty training thing that might throw us for a loop.

As for the Blog/TPT goal - I feel really guilty that I haven't made anything new in a while.  I did bring home all my teacher editions and a copy of my classroom read alouds so I can take my time planning meaningful activities to go with it all.  I just have been feeling like I'm letting someone down by not being able to balance family and work and life.  I have had fun buying stuff though.  :)  

But it's only day 2 of vacation - so plenty of time to get it all accomplished, right?  I'll keep telling myself that.

...and then it's Currently Time with Farley
Oh' boy fourth grade

Pretty self explanatory.... I don't like the heat wave - already miss my spring temperatures.  Loving family time (we played Monopoly last night around the kitchen table) and vacation (hubby and I watched a marathon of Netflix last night).  Vacation essentials for me would be my Kindle, my new iPod Nano with armband so I can go walking (my phone is just too big and bulky to try and carry on my arm), and my Diet Berry Ice Tea.  

Better get ready for the rest of the day.  Breakfast, church, and family birthday party.

Have a great day!  


  1. I remember those days of choosing what I wanted for my meals on my birthday! Those are such tough decisions! That must mean that all of the meals you cook are tasty :)

    Little Lovely Leaders

  2. I am so already over the heat too! It was super hot here yesterday and we had three baseball games to watch yesterday. I already got my first summer sunburn :( Hoping for cooler days for you and me both! Enjoy your summer!

  3. I've always wanted to go to Alaska, what an awesome trip. Have a fantastic time. I can't wait to hear about it.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  4. I'm not a huge fan of heat, but I despise the humidity. Alaska would be the perfect solution. What a fun trip!


  5. Alaska!! How wonderful! I can't imagine having to pack for three kiddos! Good luck:)
    I am SO with you on the heat. The NY summers can be brutal and I would be content if it never reached over 70. Really! I also feel the same way about creating TPT/TN products. It is all I can do to try and keep up with reading blogs and I barely have time to even begin making new items. I am counting on summer! But, you know how that flies by with lots to do with kids...
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  6. I love Alaska! It should be a fun trip. I wish I was going! Your blog is cute! I'm a new follower. I'm having a giveaway; hope you can join.

    Learning With Mrs. Brinn


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