June 23, 2013

Link Up, BlogLovin', Instagram, and SALE!

1. Link Up

 The InLinkz blog | Link-ups and product list tools for bloggers

I navigated through setting up my first ever type of linky.  It was nerve wracking!  :)

Yes, I'm dramatic...

I know I follow a lot of blogs, but I also know that there are probably other bloggers out there that I don't know about yet.  So I made a handy dandy little link up on my "Blogs I Love" page.  There are link ups for Primary, Intermediate, Middle School, and High School.

Eventually it's going to feel like my own little yearbook of blogs.

If you choose to link up please copy/paste your blog's home page, instead of a specific post.  :)

2. BlogLovin'


Next up - last night I got a BlogLovin' headache.  I'm sure eventually I will be BFF with it, but after importing the blogs 2 different times, I realized that the majority of my blogs don't show up in the BlogLovin' newsfeed, and by looking at Google Reader I had seen more people had been writing than just those 7 bloggers...  So I started alphabetically, and went through my Google Reader Feed, clicking on the 190 blogs, looking for the BlogLovin' button, and realizing over and over again that I needed to click to follow.

Seriously, I had to "follow" about 160 of them when supposedly they had already been imported - but they weren't showing up in the newsfeed.  I also realized that there were many blogs that don't have the Bloglovin' button too... :(

Just want to put it out there that it's not necessarily a done deal when you import...

3.  Instagram

Next next up...  I signed up for an account over at Instagram.  I felt left out, and that's never a good feeling. :)

I have no clue what I'm doing over there, but I'm over there if you want to find me.

4. TPT Sale

 Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth - TeachersPayTeachers.com

Last Up - at least for the moment - 20% SALE today over at TPT.  I love Sundays! :)



  1. Thanks for the tip on bloglovin. I just checked mine and had the SAME problem! Eek.... off to fix it now.

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  2. I had a similar problem with Bloglovin'. My list was imported, but I had to "follow" about 1/3 of them again. Thanks for the opportunity to link up on your page!

  3. I also had this problem but I just went into Google Reader and let it update which brought the few I was missing to Bloglovin. Also, blogs out of your country will show in a different place than blogs internationally. The support page explains it.

  4. I feel a little weird about adding my blog to your blogs YOU love page ;)

    Thanks for the Bloglovin' tip. I checked last night and most of them came over, but some did not. If they didn't have a follow button, then I had to search for their blog and add them that way. The button is much easier..,

    I don't know much about Instagram either, but it's fun!

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. I do LOVE your blog :) Thanks for adding!

  5. I think eventually Bloglovin will work out but there are a few kinks in it right now. There are some other using Feedly too so everyone has their own options. I'm waiting for that master tutorial blog post to come out on it...we shall see. I'm off to check out your Blog I love link Up.

    I'm also waiting for Bloglovin to quit send me advertisements for purse and high heels. :(
    Digital: Divide & Conquer


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!