June 22, 2013

Organization, Motivation, and Bloglovin'

Motivation and Organization Time!  

Linking up with Joanne and Kristen & Elizabeth for their weekly linkies :)

I love pocket charts!!!

Yes, I know it sounds cheesy, but I do...  I use them throughout my room to make things interactive.

I use it for behavior.

The students put their weekly goals in them (that's a dry erase sentence strip).

I keep vocabulary weekly words in them - for all the different subjects.

I put random classroom pictures in them for throughout the year.

I use them for helpers.

I use magnetic ones for daily 5 stations (guess I haven't taken my own picture of it). 

Then I have random ones that I pull out throughout the year for centers, open house braille names, spelling words, etc...  

Do you also use pocket charts?  

Next up is Joanne's Motivation Linky :)

Wanted to share something I did 2 years ago that I have loved using... Vistaprint's Encouragement Cards.  

They are just their "free" business cards that I keep on my desk for a quick grab and give.    The top says, "Just a little note to tell you how wonderful you were in class today."  There is room to write a little note of what I saw that I thought they did great.  Students love them, I have seen them in pencil boxes and used as bookmarks throughout the year.  Not my own idea though, I created it from all the ideas of Stephanie in Teaching in Room 6.  She has a ton of Vistaprint ideas.  

Do you also do some kind of encouragement notes?  

Last up - remember to click the side bar button or the link
Follow on Bloglovin
Very soon there won't be any more Google Reader.  :(  



  1. I love pocket charts too Emily! I like the weekly behavior goals-that's motivational too-a great visual reminder! I never thought of using the business card as a notecard-love it! Thanks for sharing and linking up!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  2. I love the notecard idea...thanks for sharing!
    Two Friends In FIrst

  3. I always forget about Vista prints. Thanks for the reminder!
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  4. Love your Weekly Goals board! Great idea!


  5. I think your use of pocket charts is great--makes things visible for the kids and nicely organized. Also--great idea with the encouragement card. Thanks for sharing your ideas--this linky is a great idea...

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  6. I love the encouragement cards from Vistaprint. I use a lot of their business cards in the classroom as well!

    Success in Second Grade

  7. Yep definitely agree with the awesomeness that is your encouragement cards! So easy since they are already printed. And easy to take home! I love the weekly goals idea too. I'm curious to know what were some goals your students would write?

    Reaching for the TOP!

  8. You are not alone in the love for pocket charts. I just wish they made them in my colors. Last summer, I completely covered one in colored duct tape and it held up all year. I think I will be covering more this summer :) Thanks for linking up!!
    Fun in Room 4B


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