June 5, 2013

Pinterest Professional Development

Good Morning!

Today I wanted to share some pins that I've been looking at as a possible thing for next year.  Ideas by Jivey is having "Pinterest Professional Development" linky in June.  Here are some of mine.  :)

My Writing Board

@Stephanigrace Vanderkar --- something to add to your spelling contract
This Spelling Roll a Word is something I'm looking forward to trying next year as part of my Word Work station.  

Writing Goals - clip chart display

I'm also looking forward to using this clip goal chart in my classroom.  

Nancy Fetzer's Literacy Connections, Nancy Fetzer Learning Products, Nancy Fetzers Educational Materials

The big new writing thing I will be doing is using Nancy Fetzer's writing ideas.  I went to her training this past year.  Her website has a ton of free ideas and printables.  

My Math Board   

Lego Geometry
My students love Legos - so this next year I want to use the idea in my classroom for Area/Perimeter, and also for arrays and the properties of multiplication.  

felt fractions

When we get to fractions, I'm going to use this idea and hand out felt for the students to create felt fractions.  I love the idea that little paper bits won't go flying in the classroom.  

Activities: Capture That Fraction..great for turning improper fractions into mixed numbers

Another new to me fraction idea is using playing cards to review changing improper fractions, adding fractions, etc...

My Reading Board

Oh' Boy 4th Grade: truck, goldfish, and freebie - plural sort in reading

I want to use this idea in all the different areas - just having a brainstorm center.  

  Check out this adorable Reading Comprehension activity on Fourth Grade Garden's blog.  There is also a back to school version.

I need to prep this - these are reading comprehension activities.

  Monday Make and Take: Clothespins Vocab

I really love this vocabulary idea to have kids unscramble the word with the definition right there.

Okay, that's it for the moment.  :)  I need to take all 3 boys to the dentist this morning for their 6 month check up (by myself this time around) - wish me luck!   


  1. I use that Roll a Word activity in my Word Work station and my kids really like it. I also have a Synonym and Antonym Dictionary on hand for them because some of our weekly words are a little difficult! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Writing Goals you shared here. My kids have to come up with their own writing goals each quarter and I think this would be a GREAT resource for them to turn to because some kids have a hard time thinking of one!

    Adventures in Room 204

  2. Oh my goodness I love so many of these ideas! I'm pretty much going to copy all of them haha!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  3. Love that area and perimeter with Legos-never seen that one before! (I have some of those laying around my house!) :O) Writing goals look great too!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  4. The LEGOS one reminded me of using them for multiplication (arrays). I am looking forward to finding and organizing a lot of great pinterest finds this summer! :)

    Primary Classrooms are Oceans of Fun

  5. I love the writing clip chart! What a great way to get them to focus on something specific! Thanks for linking up!!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow me on Facebook!

  6. I had not heard of Nancy Fetzer. I'm going to go check out her site. Thanks for sharing. I also really like the work unscramble. on clips.

    room 4 imagination


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