June 10, 2013

Revisiting Bucket Filler

Hi everyone!  Hope you are having a great day.  I'm somewhere on the ocean heading to Alaska at the moment, but wanted to do a few reruns when I'm gone.

Today I wanted to revisit my Bucket Filler area.  

Here is the first post I did last year (talking about 2 school years ago in my classroom) that explains how I run it in my room.  

My area looked like the picture below.

Then last year I decided to change it a little since with the shoe organizer being completely vertical it was hard for my shorter kids to reach their buckets without pulling it off the wall - so it turned into this...

Same 2 shoe racks, but I used cups inside the pockets after cutting it in half.  The cups held up (though they were really dusty last week when I pulled them out).  After 2 school years of it over in the corner, I decided that next year it's going to be on the main front wall (along with my information/behavior/helper/star of the week/weekly goals, etc).

So, it's not at all done yet at all - basically I did what I could the last day of school - but you can see that the white shoe organizers are under half the whiteboard.  (Yes, I thought I was taking a picture, but instead hit the video button.)  It's not a video, I promise.  Since I still had a ton of extra pockets that I don't need, I turned it into 4 groups of 8 pockets by cutting the 3rd row off.

Hope this helps someone.  I highly recommend the book if you don't have it.  Even my 4th graders enjoy it.   

Have a great day!

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