June 13, 2013

Revisiting Dry Erase Markers

I'm still cruising along... can't wait to share my trip with you when I get back.  :)

Another revisit today from a past post:  

Something that I did last summer was hot glue a bunch of pom poms to the top of my dry erase markers.  

Guess what?  Those pom poms lasted the entire year!  Seriously!  You wonder how that happened... well those markers turned into the ones that my students could use when they needed an extra - you know, when their own markers from home ran out and they hadn't brought in a replacement yet... so they ended up being able to use mine.  I knew they were mine because of the special tops, and they were returned promptly.  I had them in a special little box on my whiteboard, so I also used them when I needed black ink - and then I just used the eraser on the whiteboard as well.  It was so handy!  Then I also let my parent helpers use them for their intervention activities... and also for my small group centers.  They lasted...

Now I went out looking for more of those markers since I loved them so much and I found the brand over at Staples.  These kind the tops turn around and attach on the base & the pom pom goes the right way.  These markers were the ones as part of the Staples back to school special, I think $2 for each package.  I will definitely be doing this again this summer, already bought the pom poms over at the Dollar Store.  

Hope this helps someone!  The green link above heads to the post from last year.  :)  

Have a great day!


  1. I've seen that before, but I'd assumed it was too good to be true. I'll have to try it out for next year!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  2. OK. You convinced me. I am going to try it, too. There are times when I do not want to take time to reach for the eraser for one tiny mark - I end up wearing the mark on my finger all day. Love Staples!


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