June 16, 2013

Revisiting Homework

Hi everyone - I'm still cruising along... do you miss me yet?  I'm sure that I'm going through withdrawal from not having internet....  and yes, all these revisits were written and scheduled back when I should have been packing for the trip.  :)

Priorities and all that... 

Anyhow, I found another post from last summer that you may remember... Homework Folder.  

Last year my students brought in their own homework folder and we stuck a sheet protector inside.  They kept these papers tucked in there basically all year long.

Their daily homework checklist
Their spelling unit list

Now last year I also mentioned the sheet from Teaching in Room 6, but it turned out to work better in their folders as a reference guide.  

What do I want to add for next year?  I've been eyeing these monthly reading log menus from 3rd Grade Thoughts
Pinned Image
Actually my entire grade level has been eyeing them to use next year.  We are thinking that it would give the students the perfect opportunity to use the different reading skills.  :)  Just a little something...

Hope you had a great day!    

1 comment:

  1. Those reading menus look great! Thanks for sharing. Hope you are having a great time!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans


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