July 17, 2013

500 Follower Giveaway {Day 3} and Popsicle Place Value

Good Morning Everyone.  I hope you are having a great week.  I've been keeping busy - yesterday my sister and I took the boys to a water park in the next town over.  It's a community center that has a playground in a middle of a shallow wading pool.  The boys had a blast!

I've also been going through my files on the computer and realizing that I haven't printed/laminated a bunch of stuff that I have created and/or bought.  The school to do list is getting longer... which is starting to stress me out.

One of the things that I forgot to print for myself is my Popsicle Place Value to Hundred Millions.  My kiddos need to know up to the millions so I had made up these task cards at the beginning of summer.  It's the first unit we tackle during the school year.

But then I started thinking of my own almost 2nd grader and wanted to make up a similar product to the  Thousands.  I uploaded it last night.  Click either of the images to go check them out.  

There is also another Giveaway today :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'll be back in a bit to let you know who won Day 2.  :)  

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