July 18, 2013

500 Follower Giveaway {Day 4} and Subject Pendant Banner

Good Morning!  The week of giveaways continue...

Before we get to that, wanted to share a couple of pictures from yesterday.  
My son's CST results came back.  I'm so proud of him!  

I also was up until the wee hours of the morning going through the different pendant banners on TPT, looking for the perfect addition to my classroom.  There were so many choices on there, but I was looking for specific subjects to hang above my different bulletin boards.  I just couldn't find exactly what I needed, so I bit the bullet and made it myself - all 8 banners...  I'm so happy with how they came out.  They are uploaded to TPT if you are interested in checking them out.  

I printed them off and started laminating.  They aren't all put together (I ran out of ribbon), but here's what I was able to accomplish.  

Would you like a copy of it?  Just leave a comment with your  below, I'll do a random comment thing, and will announce the winner with the giveaway tomorrow morning.   

Now onto our celebration!  


  1. Congratulations on your son's CST. That's amazing! Mom and son must be so proud. :-)
    I love your pendant banners. You just inspired me to use pendant banners for my subjects, too. I've always made boring signs, but I really like the way yours turned out. Thanks!

  2. Those pendants are adorable! What a fun way to display!


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