July 6, 2013

Day Trip to Monterey

Linking up my pictures with Run Miss Nelson's got the Camera.  :)

Yesterday we packed up the boys and drove a supposed 2 hours to our favorite summer destination - Monterey, CA.  It actually turned into 3 hours between the traffic, 2 potty stops, a stop for tums, and the need to turn back to get our children's discovery museum card (we left it on the table at home).  My dear sweet school friend picked up our dog for a doggy play date, and we had the entire day to just be together as a family.  I was excited about being able to wear a sweatshirt and jeans in July - we were so sick of the triple digit temps of the past couple of weeks, it was a cool 64 degrees.  :)  

Here is my day:     
Lunch at Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey -
My middle son tried Clam Chowder and decided he only likes the chowder part.
At My Museum in Monterey (Children's Discovery Museum) - I followed our little one around to most of the exhibits while the older ones played with their dad.  
Then we went to Dennis the Menace Playground.  It's a gigantic area with tons for the kids to do.
It's free (therefore totally crowded).  
We went driving to see the ocean afterward (instead of our usual go downtown and shop), and ended up at a park.  The boys saw a beach in a distance and we decided to walk.  Little one didn't make it super far before he wanted to be carried.  
When the older boys were exploring with dad or playing on the beach, little one and myself decided to play around with the camera.  He took these pictures.  :)  
I love Monterey and I love when we are able to have fun as a family.  This peaceful time at the beach was the best moment of the day though.  Just sitting and collecting my thoughts.  It's amazing how the water brings down my blood pressure and all becomes right with the world.

I hope you had a great day!  


  1. Looks like a great time! My Uncle lives in Monterey and I have lots of great memories from Dennis the Menace Park. I need to bring my own kiddos there soon.

  2. That is awesome you get to take a day trip with all of those places fairly close by. That slide looks like fun too! Great pictures!

    Sixth Grade Tales
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  3. Fun pictures. I love the weather out there. Thanks for linking up.

  4. Glad you got the chance to get away from the heat! Super cute blog design.
    Rock Stars At Work


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