July 15, 2013

Monday Made It & 500 Follower Giveaway {Day 1}

It's Monday!!  I have 5 projects to link up with Tara today.  This is also Day 1 of a week long celebration for my 500+ followers on the blog and on Facebook.  Make sure to check the bottom of the post to get credit!  Get ready for a week of FUN!

Monday Made It #1  

I picked up these drawer storage things at Big Lots during their 20% sale yesterday.  They are 41 inches tall.  At the time I got them I knew I wanted to use them, but wasn't exactly sure... until I looked at the state standards for ELA and Math.  I know there are 5 math strands, and more than that of ELA - but task card wise it's going to be perfect.  

I just typed up the different areas, glued/laminated them on some fun school cardstock, and then taped them inside the drawers.  I will most likely need to go back and use packing tape to hold them in place (the lamination did not want to bend in the drawers).  The packing tape is at school though...  

Taa-Daa!  I'm so happy with how they turned out.  

Monday Made It #2
Next up - in case you missed them the other day - I've been busy on TPT this week making up a bunch of Read Aloud Mini Packs.  I'm up to about 20 of them...  They are free and maybe they can help someone.  Here's what I have so far.  

Monday Made It #3

I made up a Patience Level last night too.  You might have seen it over on Instagram.
I was so excited about it last night.  :)

First up I painted yard sticks (68 cents at Home Depot).  I only used one of them for this project.  Then I used clip art from MelonHeadz Illustrating and Ashley Hughes to make up my "teacher" patience levels.  I'm planning on hanging this using a binder clip next to the student behavior chart.

At the top is a "Perfect" Princess - Life is magical at this point.  It is the dream state.
Then it's "Disneyland Wonderful" - Still a great time.
(You can see the clothespin with Ashley's laminated pencil on top - it's movable.)

After Disneyland Wonderful - in the middle of the stick - is Good Day.  This is where each day is going to start.  Life can get better... or I can get a head ache.  

Moving down on the patience stick is "UGH Day" - the clip art person is having a bad hair day.  Not a great day, not a horrible day - just "UGH".
Last is the "Beware" patience level.  This is when I feel like I'm going to explode.  (You know what I'm talking about - just admit it.)  Anyway, just a visual of where I'm at to give the kids some warning of where they are headed.  Here is my template over at Google Docs if you want to copy it.  If you want to make your own, I created a table 2 rows 5 columns in landscape, and then added clip art that worked for me.  You will probably also see other white pencils over there, those are for my other project - maybe you can use them for something too.     

Monday Made It #4  

I also made up my Whole Class Writing Journals.  This year I wanted to make my journals functional AND cute.  :)  I'm so happy with how they turned out! 

Monday Made It #5

Giveaway time :)
I set up a giveaway to start today and run through next Sunday.  There are 7 bloggers helping me out - each day there will be a new Rafflecopter for the specific day's prize.  In addition to that I will have my TPT store on  sale AND on Facebook there will be Flash Freebies.  :)  I'm ready to have some fun!!

Thanks so much to these helpers to make this week extra special.  :)  Each blogger has graciously donated a prize - each day has a spotlight blogger and they are offering something for the daily winner.

Are you ready to get started?  Once you take care of all the business it will be easy peasy the following days.  Remember, each day will have a NEW Rafflecopter to determine the winner of the day.  


  1. I JUST added those writing pages to my cart! Such a great idea for D5:)

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  2. I LOVE the Reading Mini Packs and can't wait to download more of them! Thanks so much for sharing! I also really like the idea and the visual element of the Patience Level! Awesome! The giveaway and flash freebies are exciting! I wasn't sure what my follower number was for two of the TPT stores (yours and another) because I was already following! I just put the number of followers I saw at this time. Enjoy your fun filled week of celebrating!

  3. Your patience level is hilarious! I think my students would LOVE it. I saw something like that at the book store, it was a flip pad which sits on your desk and will do a "status" update with a picture on it (like your clip art). My hubby said that this past school year mine would always be set to "grumpy"! Great ideas thank you so much for sharing!

  4. I LOVE the Teacher Patience Level Ruler. Mine is going to be Teacher Librarian Patience but still. Nice visual for classes that don't actually see me all day ... so they may not "know" that the class before them was PERFECT and they need to step it up. Or the class before them was ... less than perfect. And I'm trying but frazzled.

  5. Wow! You have been super busy! I love the writing time class journals! Congratulations on 500 followers!
    Two Friends In First

  6. Oh my gosh! I love the patience level! Since I have three different sets of kids throughout the day, it will be helpful to see what the previous class did to me! ;) Glad to help out with your giveaway!

    Fifth in the Middle

  7. You are very generous to make all of the reading packs and offer them to us free! Thank you so much for all the hard work you do to help other teachers! THANKS!!

  8. Congrats on 500 Followers! Love the Patience ruler...I might have to make one of those!

    Craft of Teaching

  9. I LOOOOVE the patience chart! I think I'm going to do that instead of the class clip chart! Congrats on reaching 500, too!
    First Grade Hugs and High Fives

  10. I love the idea for the task card storage! I need to do something similar! Thank you for sharing!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  11. These are so great! What exactly do you plan to put inside? Just the task cards? I-can statements? Just wondering what your vision is with these cute drawers. :)

    1. Hi, I have a ton of task cards already printed over at school. I also have a bunch of activities for each standard. I just want to sort everything so it's not in ELA and Math crates (1 of each) like last year. We are just starting CCSS this year - just want to be prepared.

  12. Congratulations on 500 followers! I love the Teacher Patience Level. I just made a behavior clip chart and think I''ll add the Patience Level with it. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful ideas and projects!

    On the Trail of Learning

  13. I hadn't seen the patience ruler. What a great idea!

    room 4 imagination


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!