July 30, 2013

My Mess Got Organized (More Pictures)

I'm posting late tonight since I had a date.  :)  Of course it was with my hubby!  

So, today in the classroom I logged 7 hours.  I'm feeling a lot more settled with the to do list... of course I didn't get a chance to cross out many of the things on the 5 pages... that will happen soon...

My enormous project today was organizing those 2 cabinets.  I didn't take a before picture since they were disgusting.  Well, not totally disgusting but pretty much.  4 years ago when I moved back to 4th grade I shoved my boxes inside the cupboards and over time I basically only kept the construction paper neat and tidy.  So today I pulled everything else out of the cupboards, grabbed the old book buckets (plastic shoeboxes) and labels, and got to work.  I sorted, I stuffed, I realized that I had a container full of pipe cleaners!  

The getting there picture was about 3 hours into it.

This cabinet has bigger tubs - each tub being a different subject, then other ones for movies, index cards, paper products, ziploc bags, etc.
My shoe boxes are sorted by school supplies (near the top), then craft supplies, then paint stuff is on the bottom.

I will no longer be worried a sub will open up the cabinet!  

I also got around to organizing my math manipulatives in these 3 drawer units.  I still want to make matching labels... it's on the to list for tomorrow.  

I put up my cupcake birthday months.  I still need to laminate some colored copy paper and cut rectangles for candles (to put the kids' names on them).  

Bucket Filler station is all ready to go too.  Last year I used paper cups, this year is full size plastic ones.  The classroom numbers come from 4th grade frolics Homework Club set.  I've used them so many places in my room.  

Supply bins are all assembled and on a small bookshelf.  A retiring teacher passed it down to me in May.  It's perfect!  

I have my FACE board all started.  The FACE (or CAFE bulletin board set) came from Ladybug's Teacher Files last year.

My updated helper tags are in the pocket chart - waiting for finalized student names to finish it up.  

My inbox and highlighters are on an extra student desk up front.  

I passed out the pencil boxes, ipod name tags, and then each table has a basket that at the moment holds all the journals, folders, and whiteboards for the table.  Since the journals and folders are different colors, I'm going to give kids the option of choosing their own color - they can switch within the table.  I still need to hang up the table numbers.  Another day...

I made up these clips for another project, but I loved the idea of being able to just start out Monday morning with all the clips up, and then as the week goes on clips are removed (there is a little crate to hold them below) when students forget something.  Easy way to see who gets to attend Friday PAT.  

Last picture of the day - outside my portable as I was about to drive away... all that stuff was trash after my day of cleaning.  2 huge plastic party trash bags, 2 big scholastic boxes filled, an old laundry basket filled, an old file box filled, and 4 big plastic bins also filled that are cracked (since I now have those new blue ones to take their place).  I love purging! 

Hope you had a great day!  


  1. Way to go!!!!!!!! I am still going through 50 boxes that I had moved from one school to another. I am kicking myself that I didn't take more before pictures so that I actually SEE my progress. I am starting my very first year in 3rd grade after 22 years of teaching nothing else buy 4th and 5th. I am purging things I thought I would have a need for, oh....10 years ago...and then forgot about them! I am finally tossing them, figuring that if I need something, I've got TpT now! Thanks for your encouragement! Again, congratulations! (I could tell you were from Cali -- my portable looks JUST like YOURS!!!

  2. Nice bucket filler station! Is that some sort of shoe bag? Your shelving unit looks great now!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  3. Your room is looking great! Makes me want to get in mine and start organizing!


  4. Your room looks great! I love to purge too! It is a major sense of accomplishment.
    Fun in ECSE

  5. WOW! Can you come and purge my room? LOL! AWESOME job!

  6. You got a LOT done! I've been using the Homework Club numbers on lots of things too :)


  7. Wow! Organization is a beautiful thing! Your room looks great:).

  8. wow, your room looks amazing!
    Congratulations on so much progress.

    Hodges Herald

  9. Woohoo! You got a lot done!!! Those cabinets look great. :-)

    Teaching Little Miracles

    P.S. Loved the pic of the trash...I should have done that when I cleaned out my new room. It was CRAZY!

  10. Looks great! I love purging too! I can't wait to get back up to my classroom and finish my last cupboards! I've done my artsy and social studies cupboards and saved my math and rdg ones!


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