August 2, 2013

5 for Friday!


It's back!  Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share about my week.  

One:  Setting up the Classroom

I worked hard this week - not done yet, but it's getting there.  I've shared a bunch of pictures this week - here, and here, and here...

Two:  Pizza Picnic at the Park
I bribed my older boys yesterday into helping me in the classroom, we tackled a few hours, and then picked up a $5 hot and ready pizza to head to the park.  Of course I didn't count on the wind that took off with the paper plates.  

Three:  Girl Time
The other day was L O N G... The boys were pushing every button each other had... so when hubby got home he was a sweetheart and took all 3 of them out for guy time.  Their guy time included dinner and errands, my girl time at home included a movie (interesting mystery), finishing up my book, and a foot soak.  It was so nice to have complete quiet and to be by myself for a few hours.

Four: Star Wars Cookies

I'm not a fan of Star Wars but my boys are.  The other day I pulled out the sugar cookie dough and made a batch of Star Wars cookies for them.  We got these cookie cutters a couple of years ago on clearance at William Sonoma.  

Five: Buying Stuff and Laminating

I'm having a hard time saying no to shopping when I can justify it for my classroom.  What did I recently buy?  What am I planning with them?  
Common Core Weekly Reading Homework: 3rd-4th-5th Grade
I bought this Weekly Reading Bundle.  My plan is to make 8 copies of each text and review sheet and use these in my reading rotations this year.  They will make it through the whole class by sticking them in sheet protectors.  Since my kids do Read to Self (silent reading) full class, I want to give them another Read to Self rotation to work on comprehension.  
Math Moves: Stepping Up Our Math Game {4th Grade CCSS Dail
I just bought Math Moves last night for morning work.  I'm excited that the skills are constantly spiraling for students AND there is a list to keep track of every opportunity they have to work on them.  Did I mention the assessments or the answer key?!  Yay!  I'm considering saving copies and having kids complete the 4 problems on their whiteboards while this is under the document camera...  Maybe...  
Bundled Weekly Reading Records (Fiction & Non-Fiction)
I bought this Weekly Reading Record for the purpose of a quick check after silent reading.  Included are 5 different fiction pages... perfect for my 5 tables.  There are quick skill reviews to get the kids thinking of what they read.  I made enough copies of each so that each student can have a paper in front of them (8 of each page), then I color coded and laminated the sheets.  Kids will write their weekly responses in their journals and on Friday afternoon the different laminated pages will rotate to the next table.   It'll take 5 weeks for them to get the same sheet back again.  For the nonfiction sheets, I'm going to use them during our SS and Science time.  :)  

That's it for me.  I've typed this one handed while under my sick 3 year old.  He's finally sleeping.  

Have a great day!


  1. Nice work with the $5 pizza bribe! I've done this many times with my teenage boys and it works every time. And SO worth the 5 dollars!
    Whimsy Workshop

  2. What a great week! I know you are happy to be almost finished with your classroom...:) I can get in Monday and can't wait!!! I did a little shopping for mine today and bought a pack of 200 laminating pouches so I need to get busy!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Keep Calm and Imagine

  3. I've also used the bribe. My husband is the sweetest and spends many hours helping me out. I'm back in my room again for another attempt at getting things going! You're on your way!

  4. Enjoyed seeing all your pictures of your classroom! Also, your girl time sounds splendid--will have to check out that movie! Thanks for sharing all of your great thoughts this week!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers


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