September 7, 2013

Saturday Motivation: PAT

Friday afternoons are always fun - for most of the kids...

The last 30 minutes of the day my grade level team gets together and gives students choices as they want to do with their Preferred Activity Time.

The students that get to participate have to have completed all their classwork, homework, and have had a good behavior week.  

There are 4 of us, so one teacher is Study Hall.  In that classroom, the kids have to finish their work.  It's all about building responsibility. 

Another one or two teachers head outside for free play on the blacktop.  Kids bring out basketballs, play tetherball, run/dance/skip on the playground, talk with their friends...

We usually have an art room (which I love to host).  Kids come in with their 
crayon boxes and I provide a couple sheets of copy paper.

Depending on weather, sometimes we have a movie room or inside games.

Pretty much it's a chance to mix up the kids, meet some 
new ones, and have fun...

...and prep for the next week.  :)    

   Linking up with Joanne for her Saturday Motivation!  


  1. This is a great idea! I like how students are rewarded for being responsible, and those that need to make up work have time to do so.

    Thank you, and have a great weekend!

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  2. My team and I do this and I LOVE it!! It is such an effective way to promote responsibility. I really like the idea of an art room and I think I'll suggest we add that!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  3. This is great, Emily! We do this as a team too at recess everyday but that is only 15 minutes. One teacher is the "work room" and the others are on recess duty. I wish we had time for a longer block every Friday. That might be something we should try to figure out! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  4. What a wonderful idea to get students motivated! I can see my kids loving this idea! I might have to talk this idea over with my team to get them on board. :) I have tried similar things within my classroom but think that having one room being a study hall room would be even better because they are totally removed from the fun (motivating them for the following week to get their work done!)

    Thanks for sharing!

    Learning to the Core

  5. I love the name Preferred Activity Time! We aren't allowed to do "Fun Friday" this year, which is why I wrote about our science experiments last week-our school grade dropped, so my principal does not want to give up any academic time. :( Kids need this time-I'm going to run by PAT!
    Thanks for sharing and linking up!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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