September 15, 2013

Scholastic Big Bonus Point Order

How does that song go?  "Whoops, I did it again..." Yep, I did do it again.  Another 10,000 bonus point beginning of the year order.  
FREE Earn 10,000 Scholastic Bonus Points (2013)
Just like last year, I used the home letter that Laura Candler created, sent it home, and hoped for the best.  We reached our goal!!  Score!!  

I also added a bit to the cart... couldn't help myself...  
I bought a class set of Frindle for only $1 a piece.  Yep, Frindle!

I'm not going to read Frindle in class though... that is going to be their Christmas present.  Yep, I'm one of THOSE type of people that start Christmas shopping in September... Mama always said that the early birds get the worm... 
As for all those bonus points... well, I already spent a little bit of them to finish up getting our class set of Charlotte's Web (only 75 bonus points each).  Our story this past week was "Escape" - an excerpt from Charlotte's Web.  So many of my students had never even heard of it before... so we will be reading that next full class.  :)  Every student needs to hear the full tale of Wilbur and Charlotte...  

Hope you have a magnificent Sunday!  


  1. Ha! I bought a class set of Frindle as well for Christmas presents and plan to use them as our extended texts. Thanks for the advice on Scholastic!

  2. I also bought a class set- we are going to WRITE in them! (They will obviously be theirs to keep.) They will love them!!

  3. Wow - congrats, Emily! That's AWESOME! I'm sending home my first book order of the year this week - and will try to make a plug for reaching this goal too! I'll let you know how it turns out :)

    I'm with you on early Christmas shopping too! I am always thinking ahead - and am on the lookout for a great bargain :)

    Joy in the Journey

  4. Ha. I'm one of THOSE people too cause I do the same thing! Who can beat $1 book?! I didn't go with Frindle because it is going to be our first chapter book read-aloud (we're starting tomorrow in fact!) But I usually pick one of the dollar books to give to my kids. It's such a great deal and an easy solution for a gift.

    I've never even come close to 10,000 points. I love the book clubs though and do send a letter about them at the beginning of the year and the flyers monthly. And...I usually end up spending a pile of money myself...

    Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason
    Follow my blog with Bloglovin


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