September 24, 2013

Tried it Tuesday: Showing Off My Folders

The other day I posted about my Social Studies and Science Interactive folders.  A nice person commented asking me to share what they look like - so here they are. These are my examples that I do with the students, so not all the information is filled in.  

We took the file folders, opened them up, and then folded them in to make bifold flaps.

Folder #1: Land of CA
Front: Definitions and pictures of Compass Rose, Latitude, Longitude, Prime Meridian, Equator
Inside flaps: Flip up region notes - top has land information, underneath has business information
Middle inside: Students colored/shaded the different regions.
Back: Paragraph of favorite region.

Folder #1 - Beginning of Ecosystems
(folded so we could have more flaps)

Front: Definitions
Inside Middle Flaps: Notes on the Land vs. Water Ecosystems
Inside Middle: Paragraph of favorite ecosystem (with facts)
Back: Research notes of ecosystem

Basically, you can see I tend to have them put more definitions/vocabulary on the front, then inside and back are notes with an informational paragraph or two thrown in.  

That's basically what we've finished so far...for some reason the computer isn't allowing me to upload pictures of my Native Californian folder...  This week we are working on the beginnings of Science Folder #2 for Ecosystems...  

Linking up with Holly and Tried it Tuesday.  


  1. I like the idea of using folders...I normally make "giant" foldables for science, but not for social studies. I think I may try this when we study the regions of the USA.

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  2. Wow! What a wonderful visual these are for your students! I have been working on trying to make my notes and resources more visual over the years. It's always a work in progress. Thanks for sharing the pictures. They are super helpful!
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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