September 3, 2013

Tried It Tuesday: Spelling Sorts

Today I changed up our spelling activity.  This is the 3rd spelling week of school - the past 2 we have sorted the patterns in our spelling spiral notebook.  Because it is a short week, I decided to combine some spelling activities this week and pulled these sorts out for my class to do full group.

They worked with a partner, cutting the sorts, gluing them onto the paper (front and back), then cutting out our spelling patterns, and identifying them.

Usually on Mondays we sort the patterns, then take a little practice test as they write the words in their agendas.  After the practice test, they check over their words, and practice writing them in cursive.  In past years I put these sorts into a workshop/Word Work station - but we just aren't there yet.

What spelling activities do you complete at school in your intermediate classrooms?  

Head on over to visit other ideas with Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper!  


  1. I do all of my spelling tests on I take one day and type in all of my lists into Spellingcity, so they are always there. On Mondays I give my kids the list and we talk about them. Then they do an activity on Spellingcity during centers. On Wednesdays they take the test online. Sometimes I use all 4 computers and pump them out quickly. Other times I have them rotate through one computer. Sometimes they take it on the ipad. I do not print the tests because I use an online gradebook where parents can look up the grades any time. As a student takes a test, he/she will ask a friend to look at their grade and record it on a grade sheet on my table. They do all the work and it works really well in our class. It saves me about thirty minutes that I was using to give oral spelling tests in the past.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. This is a great visual for sorting spelling words! I haven't decided how to do spelling this year since I have all the ELA for the first time but in the past our team always assigned sentences for spelling words as homework on Wednesdays. Students had to use one or two spelling words in a sentence with context clues. As you can imagine, it was their least favorite homework assignment! Thanks for linking up! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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