October 28, 2013

Peek at My Week

Monday already?  This weekend sped by...  Here's what's the plan for this coming week.  :)  Linking up with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings to share.  

Our story in the textbook this week is all about a group of students that wanted to earn some money for a specific cause.  So this week to tie it into real life, my students are going to brainstorm ways to earn money for a cause of our own.  
Specifically each student is going to get one of those UNICEF boxes to keep on their desks (mine looks a little different), and they are going to think of ways they can earn some change from their families, and some pennies from me to help the cause.  

In math, we will be starting with the absolute basic 2 x 2 digit multiplication.  We are going to also do some fun Halloween type centers with some odd and end freebies I've picked up.  Just click the images to head to TPT.  
Halloween Multiplication Centers - 4th grade free

Halloween Multiplication Match-Up - free

Halloween Monster Math Activity Pack- free
Our mentor sentence read aloud is The Widow's Broom, but we will also be starting The Lemonade War too.   Jivey made it easy this week for me.  She has a freebie mentor sentence unit that she just added for The Widow's Broom, as well as a unit for Lemonade War.  Can't get much simpler than that!  

For writing, this week will be all about a Spooky story.  The kids will be having to incorporate their spelling words into the story, in addition to using a Halloween themed word list that they brainstorm.  Fun times ahead! 

I hope you had a great day!   

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