January 12, 2014

GAME TIME (Giveaway)

It's Game time around the house.  Football is on the TV, my husband is animated, and I'm thinking it's time for a game over on the blog too!  

This game is called the TPT Feedback Giveaway.  I'm not good at thinking of catchy titles for games… Feedback Frenzy came to mind, but then I also thought there was something probably even better out there…  Anyhow, so TPT Feedback it is!

You don't have to pin anything, you just have to give my store some feedback!  I know there are tons of people that have bought something from me over the past year, or have downloaded something free over on TPT, but in the rush there wasn't time to leave feedback on your purchases.  That's why I would love to say thank you for taking the time to leave me some feedback.

Today only, please leave a rating on one or more of my products (hopefully a good rating), and then come back here to leave a comment on this post with your TPT user name and email.  There's a screen on TPT that I can see how many ratings were given today and who gave them.  Each time you rate something will earn you an entry in the giveaway.  Those entries will go into a random drawing that I will draw tomorrow.  

The winner will have a choice of any product in my store - bundles included. :)

So - rate away!  Rate your past purchases in my store, rate my free items, rate away!  I would love some great feedback!  

Thanks everyone!  Have fun - and please spread the word!!



I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!