February 25, 2014

Math Workshop... Fractions Continue On....

Ever just want to be DONE teaching Fractions?  It's not that it's hard, it's just that I'm DONE...  Thank goodness for another fun activity that kept my kids humming today.  

I decided to try another product from my Educents Tricky Math Bundle.

This product is from I {Heart} Recess and it was perfect for what my class is learning right now.  I want them to grasp the concept of how we use fractions all the time in real life - you know, the world outside of school.

The set includes recipes that the kids need to work with - doubling, tripling, etc.  Since we aren't there yet to multiply, I had them use them to add the fractions.

There are 4 recipes, so I made 4 copies of each and the kids worked in partners to solve.  They used the work mats provided to write the initial fraction, add the fraction to get the desired amount of servings, and then write the new fraction (simplifying if needed).

They really loved it!
Linking up with Holly and her Tried it Tuesday!  


  1. Who doesn't love any lesson that involves food?!? This looks like an awesome activity by Jess! Fractions go on forever in 4th grade, don't they? Thanks for linking up! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. Fractions haunt me in my sleep. I'm d-o-n-e with them. Definitely not my favorite thing to teach. I like the recipes activities.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. We are just finishing up our first unit on fractions (our district has 2) and it has been painful to say the least. I love the idea of using recipes for a real world use for fractions!


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