February 11, 2014

Olympic Themed Trimester Goals

Today was the first day of the third trimester.  I make a big deal about how the kids are getting close to 5th grade, and how expectations have now increased.  Today we brainstormed our new trimester goals using the Olympic rings as a template.  

The kids took a piece of copy paper and a plastic cup to trace the 5 circles.

Then they colored them in with the actual colors of the rings.  

The kids have 5 main subject grades that work toward their GPA for each trimester, I went over the report cards with each student this morning (before it was time for this writing activity), so they had an idea of the areas they needed to focus more on.  This wasn't new information though, it was just a reminder.  Each subject needed to have 3 specific goals to work on.  

For example in Math students could write:
*get an A - but they also had to write down that that meant they needed to understand the standards
*have mastery of their math facts
*turn in all their homework

Basically, there had to be a specific plan to accomplish the goals.

From here the kids are taking their goals and writing (at least) 3 paragraphs about them.  Some of the kids want to turn it into a 5 paragraph essay (which isn't required, but they are going the extra mile).  

Just a little something I "tried" today!  Linking up with Holly!  

Hope you had a good day!  


  1. LOVE these goals! Very clever and festive Emily!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  2. I love this idea. Our trimester starts in a week. We are so doing this!
    Fourth and Goal in Fourth Grade

  3. Oh...what a great idea, Emily! Very fitting for right now!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. What a great way to incorporate writing with a little Olympics theme. Nice! Thanks for linking up a clever idea as always, Emily! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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